Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tragedy in Jokela Highs school

Today happened something that nobody in Finland could ever believe. An 18 year old young man took a gun to his high school and started shooting randomly towards people and finally killed himself. The dreadful result was that 9 people where killed, 8 youth and one adult.

My first reaction on the news was agony when I thought the families and friends of the victims. It must also be painful for all the school children to return to the school which had changed into a place of a massacre.

We need to give a lot of time and space for grief. We should let all the feelings of distress, agony and
bitterness to come out and not to let them adhere to our hearts.

Great French writer Victor Hugo has stated: “In adversity, it is necessary to cry out, ‘Hope! Hope! And yet again hope!’”. Even in front of these unjust and horrific events we need to see the potential for change to better. No, it's not enough to see it. We need to determine that no matter what we ourselves will change and grow and make sure that these events never happen again in the soil of our country. Yesterday evening I made a vow to do my utmost during my lifetime in order to prevent it to happen again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Yesterday evening I made a vow to do my utmost during my lifetime in order to prevent it to happen again."

Se onkin hyvä tavoite jokaiselle ihmiselle. Vastuu on kannettava ja myötätuntoa jaettava.