Ukraine is divided into two parts. On the eastern side of Ukraine majority of the people are Russians whereas on the western side lives the Ukrainians. Then I asked my new friend what is the stance of the Ukrainian president, Mr. Yushchenko. He answered that Yushchenko is like a soft material between two objects. He can lead the country taking care of opinions of both groups. If he would be traditional leader with strong and stubborn mind he would only drive the country into chaos. My friend believed that this kind of soft power is the only way for Ukraine to survive. I totally agreed with him. In fact this is the type of leadership that is a today's requirement for a genuine leader everywhere in the world. People cannot be lead violent way anymore using threats and fear.
It started to become hot in the sauna but our dialog became more and more interesting. I asserted that this type of leadership model is closely connected with eastern philosophies. My friend agreed and said that in western countries we rely too much on rational thinking and dualistic mindset separating good and evil whereas in the east the thinking is more comprehensive covering both rational thinking and instincts, mind and body, self and environment. This oneness of everything is indeed the requirement for the survival of the whole mankind. Oneness is the keyword he concluded.
I was amazed to realize how deep and important dialogs can emerge anytime. Dialog is the means to change the world. Through dialog we spread hope for better future and build bonds of trust between people. Even in a Turkish sauna.
1 comment:
One of the reasons for student exchanges is for people to make friends in other nations, who they will tend to think of when nations officially meet each other.
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